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What we Provide

Individual Primal Therapy Sessions


The length of sessions varies according to the individual needs of each person.


Please discuss with your therapist what is best for you.


Regular Individual Session Length


  • 1 hour

  • 1.5 hours

  • 2 hours

  • Open-ended 

Phone/Skype Primal Therapy Sessions


As many clients live in different parts of the world and are not able to attend individual sessions or do an intensive in person, we offer phone or Skype appointments.


We have found Skype session in particular to be very affordable and more personable way than a phone to experience primal therapy sessions. The essential criteria for beginning and continuing your therapy in this medium is that you work in a place where you feel safe and that you know you will not be disturbed.


It is also important that as much as possible you are free to make as much noise as you need or want to. If this is not always possible sound can be modified by using pillows etc.


Please note as with face to face sessions it will take time to build safety and trust with the therapist before you can go into some of the deeper feelings. Also for some feelings, it may be necessary for you to attend the centre to feel safe enough to proceed.


Please contact us to discuss if a phone or Skype sessions are a possible option for you.

Downloading Skype:



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